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Bu yazımızda ile ilgili İngilizce cümleleri bulabilirsiniz. Sizler için derlediğimiz İngilizce'de en çok kullanılan kelimesi ile ilgili olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinden yararlanarak İngilizce pratik yapabilir ve kelimesinin kullanım alanlarını öğrenebilirsiniz.

  • The sharp crack of their rifles echoes through the humid Georgia night, evoking cries of alarm and warning from the encampment ahead.
  • The lyrical logic is hard to crack , but the record proves maddeningly infectious.
  • How can you say that loose cocaine doesn't matter when you can't make crack without loose cocaine?
  • They can churn butter, crack corn and feed it to the chickens, and tend the garden.
  • I have tried, time and again, but I cannot free myself from an addiction that has as firm a hold on me as heroin, cocaine or crack .
  • He has had a crack at cinema as well, grabbing a role in a Hollywood production dubbed Jungle Boy.
  • It is extremely unlikely that he would crack a safe without leaving fingerprints.
  • These views were just as hard to crack as the idea that there is no alternative to capitalism.
  • She landed with a loud thud and a crack came from her ankle.
  • Lastly, the youngsters had a crack at a 7m indoor climbing wall under the supervision of the ever-watchful PTIs.
  • I asked defiantly, trying to get rid of the crack in my voice.
  • I'm just about to crack a rather forced joke to her when something over her shoulder catches my eye.
  • Two points later he had a crack at a second serve from Federer and took a big swing.
  • This might be a hard fact to crack , but you're growing up - and fast!
  • The microphones in the box were full of static, making Cameron's voice crack and differ in volume.
  • Perhaps most of us would crack under such pressure.
  • I felt my voice crack with the formation of a tingling knot in my throat and I immediately fell silent.
  • Their crack troops would not have been so easily panicked or outwitted.
  • Connecticut is currently one of thirteen states with major crack and powder cocaine sentencing distinctions.
  • ‘Um yeah I'll be out in a minute,’ Cassie quickly answered hearing her voice crack .
  • The council told him the bays would then overlap the paving stones, which would crack under the weight.
  • Otherwise, you're making it much easier for someone to crack your code.
  • ‘He's dangerous,’ says Bungu, who opted to have a crack at the combative Yorkshireman.
  • We want to do well in the Trophy and it would be great if we could get through this round and have a crack at one of the Conference clubs.
  • JBC claims to have a crack team of thorough professionals providing news from around the globe.
  • They fear a major crack in the system and the consequences it will bring - not only for themselves - but the entire estate.
  • I took the information from him, nervously listening to his voice crack , and called an editor.
  • The bottom lip started going and there was a crack in my voice.
  • Arrestees were more forthcoming with their heroin and marijuana use than they were with their crack or power cocaine use.
  • They didn't even crack their usual jokes as the beginning of practice.
  • Bryson looked down and when he finally spoke, I could have sworn that I heard his voice crack .
  • And, if he had to worry about beating the box, would he be able to crack the safe without zoning out?
  • The High Judge pushed open a crack in the door, beckoning the prince to exit.
  • ‘Friends and visitors,’ the old man booms with a crack in his voice that betrays his age.
  • She smiled half-heartedly, although she clearly heard the crack in his voice.
  • Its superstructure began to fissure and crack apart from the concentrated barrages.
  • As we follow the crack along we find more lobsters every few metres, lurking in their terraced cottages.
  • A thunder crack sounded and the rain started to come down.
  • Do you think… another crack echoed around the room as Suze continued.
  • Young criminals in West Yorkshire are to be taken to task by a crack team of professionals in a Government-funded initiative.
  • I tell her, in case she wants to have a crack at us on this, that our stand is well understood and is very popular.
  • He'll make you a safe nobody can crack .
  • Befriend them, be nice to them, tell them their hair looks nice, crack the odd risqué joke, flirt with them a little.
  • You'll be pleased to know that the only criteria for entry is a basic level of literacy - no codes to crack , no hard questions.
  • While I was checking that out, I noticed that there was a crack in the gas line, and it was leaking.
  • They are a crack unit of professionals, arguably the world's best.
  • As they lay there, another crack of a twig came from across the cave.
  • Pot dealers report that there has been no discernible increase in trafficking of the harder drugs - crack , cocaine, and heroin.
  • ‘Robust scoundrels’, although guilty, would not crack under torture.
  • He's back for another crack after our recent criticisms of his work.
  • I crack my eyes open slightly, only to be greeted by an almost blinding yellow light.
  • Soon great swathes of the countryside were closed off, and the emptiness echoed to the crack of gunfire as animals, many of them healthy, were slaughtered.
  • They were accused of dealing in powdered cocaine, but crack was the local drug of choice.
  • then you may as well have a crack at a test, if only for the heck of it.
  • The use of cocaine and crack is also on the increase, according to the report.
  • Better yet, imagine that it could be your arm-waving or catcalls that make a contender crack and blow his game sky-high.
  • The single fracture was visible as a fine crack spiralling from one facet edge all the way to the centre of the stone.
  • But then why are there tears in my eyes and why did my voice crack ?
  • Something hits my right arm, and I hear the crack of a broken bone.
  • I could swear I heard his voice crack at ‘killing’, but I refrained from going to comfort him.
  • Safes are just as hard to crack in a bank as they are in a house; network security products are highly dependent on their environment.
  • Thesiger was famous in Darfur chiefly as a crack shot.
  • We are no longer the crack troops, fighting for a better and sexier tomorrow.
  • I heard his voice crack as he rocked me in his arms.
  • This might have been a call to far, but I will have a crack at it.
  • Basically ice is to amphetamine powder what crack is to cocaine, very powerful.
  • Glancing at the crack along the edges of his door, the light outside was brightening.
  • All that has been accomplished tonight is that one party have vented their spleen by trying to have a crack at another.
  • If you don't have access to a grinder to crack wheat for cereal, you can cook the wheat kernels.
  • He winced when a twig snapped with a loud crack beneath his foot.
  • Many try to avoid this depression by smoking either more crack or heroin to calm down.
  • He was inwardly cringing at the slight crack in his voice.
  • She almost rejoiced when she saw a crack begin to appear in the surface of the glass.
  • In general, the longer the password and the more complicated it is, the more difficult it is for an unauthorized person to crack it.
  • As soon as the slightest crack was opened, the being started to move toward it.
  • Every now and then you hear stories of girls who crack under the pressure.
  • It took every effort she had not to let her voice crack .
Günün İngilizce Kelimesi


: çok

İngilizce Sorular

Would you like .......... to drink, sir?

Günün İngilizce Deyimi

Not having or showing good manners, rude.

iyi tavır ve hareketlere sahip olmama ya da göstermeme, kaba

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