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  • Then come the Insurance companies with their denial of the rightful dues to assurers.
  • I tried on clothes that actually fit me and felt comfortable instead of living in denial and trying on clothing that depressed me when I couldn't get the pants above my thighs.
  • The opening scene sets the stage for the denial episode at the end of the passage and encases the mockery of law in the center.
  • you're living in denial
  • He denies he is in denial about his performance, and says his confidence is not shaken.
  • When denial resulted in a patient's refusal to develop these skills, we had to intervene.
  • Since I have sworn, as have they, to uphold and defend that Covenant, I must respectfully concur in the denial of the request.
  • his denial that he was having an affair
  • Millions of Americans are in denial about their drug use and should seek treatment, according to a 2001 survey.
  • And, though, you know, I saw some very visible changes in him, you know, he was so very much at that time in denial about what he had done to me and the magnitude of how bad it was.
  • Another obstacle to alcohol screening is concern about denial of insurance coverage if screening information appears in a patient's record.
  • This patient may be in denial about his hearing loss, or he may, as his daughter suspects, be depressed and withdrawn.
  • Offering medications to patients in denial of their illness means that they have to confront their worst nightmare and acknowledge that they are very sick.
  • Delay in getting people their unemployment and the health insurance coverage they need while they're unemployed is denial .
  • On Friday his lawyer attended a court hearing, and there will be a ruling tomorrow on his request to insert his personal denial into the pages of the book.
  • The ardent supporters are still in denial about their candidates' chances, but that's only because they're unusually dimwitted.
  • And I think they a little in denial of facing reality.
  • The denial of her desire, and thus the denial of her voice, generates the type of silence that we so often find is the seed for oppression.
  • As you can see, I'm still in denial about my lack of a garbage disposal.
  • I had been in denial that anyone could be cruel enough to deny the connection between father and child.
  • He asserted that his denial in the pre-trial answers to the Defendants' request for information of any association with the alliance was true.
  • When it comes to ageing, we're in denial - hence the desperate makeovers to shave away the years with Botox, liposuction, cosmetic dentistry, nips and tucks.
  • And they said it's coming to you, but you're in denial .
  • Professional boxing has remained in denial that the loss of brainpower that so visibly and pitiably afflicts the boxer has nothing to do with the punches he traded for glory and profit for so long.
  • The outcome, as mentioned in Jessica Johnston's article, was denial of access to the requested documents.
  • At least I'm not in denial about being in denial , right?
  • ‘Self-mutilation is a behavior so shocking and cloaked in denial that it is almost never discussed'.
  • Of course, the Government denies that its proposed denial of unfair dismissal remedies to small business employees is simply a political tactic.
  • When an addict is in denial , he projects his anger onto everyone but himself, and especially upon anyone brave enough to tell him the truth.
  • The actual distinction isn't so much between informed versus uninformed as between in denial and not in denial .
  • Thus the ‘treatment’ in question was the refusal of support combined with the denial of the right to work.
  • Simply closing one's eyes and pretending it isn't looming, despite all the available evidence to those who want to look for it, is an exercise in denial and wishful thinking.
  • she shook her head in denial
  • What may be perceived as a temperamental rejection of care or a psychologically based denial of illness may be a biologically based element of the illness itself.
  • Here is a woman so deep in denial that pathological is the only serviceable adjective appropriate for such an irrational rant.
  • the denial of insurance to people with certain medical conditions
  • The report says the board's panel was clear that the mere denial of guilt could not, of itself, justify refusal of a progressive move through the system, including eventual release.
  • And now all of a sudden he's checked himself into drug rehab for 30 days, and we know that it's going to take much more than that, that he's been in denial .
  • Of course, the reality is that white communities were never faced with the systematic denial of bank loans and insurance necessary to build a middle class life in a community.
  • I feel sorry for him because he's still in denial .
  • And as you already noted, a lot of people are in denial and the real question is how long does it go on before the economists and the policy makers acknowledge that we do have a problem.
  • What is unnatural is the denial to me of the potential to fulfill those desires.
  • Some people have also referred to this approach as the ‘ostrich’ approach as often it involves the use of defence mechanisms such as denial and repression.
  • Forty-eight percent of those with health insurance experience problems with their plans - denial or delay of service being the most frequent.
  • I was an addict in denial
Günün İngilizce Kelimesi


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In _________, "sh" is in final position.

Günün İngilizce Deyimi

Not having or showing good manners, rude.

iyi tavır ve hareketlere sahip olmama ya da göstermeme, kaba

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