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  • ‘Well, you're not going back to school until September, so we have a while,’ Elaine said sensibly, slightly annoyed by Gabriella's uncouth laughter.
  • He's uncouth and socially immature, but all he really wants is to have a few friends.
  • It turns out that she has a few skeletons in her closet, including parents who could optimistically be considered uncouth and a husband, Jake, who has refused to give her a divorce.
  • Now they're being told they are uncouth as well…
  • Shouting matches in the street are so uncouth , but sometimes you've just gotta.
  • Squalid public bickering was unknown to him, let alone the use of uncouth language.
  • I hardly see how one person can cause all of that to happen and ruin a whole day, no matter how uncouth he is.
  • If, while performing his duties, he was approached by petitioners who seemed uncouth or outlandish, he should not gawk or make them feel uncomfortable; rather, he should treat them politely and proceed with business as usual.
  • Feeling guilty about repossessing the Massie family home, Cooper and Leah hire Dale as a labourer on the property, but secretly object to his table manners and uncouth ways.
  • The drawings share some of the sculptures' rough and uncouth qualities: the line is generally neutral, even unmodulated, and acquires power through repetition rather than finesse.
  • The figure in blue pointed and gave a command in an uncouth language.
  • The left thinks him politically uncouth; the right thinks him socially uncouth .
  • I haven't done anything to you, so I can't see the reason why I am treated in such an uncouth manner.
  • Oh, Joshua I believe that's a little uncouth of you to ask, but I'll answer you regardless.
  • You are nothing but an uncouth , patronizing, unprincipled, rowdy group of misfits who aren't fit for any respectable job!
  • Though she could hold the rapt attention of an audience for hours on end with her brilliant wit, all thought it rather odd when she fell into brief lapses of unexplainable, uncouth laughter.
  • If my memory serves me correctly, we were talking about your uncouth mouth?
  • Why did you just let him leave, I would think you would have attacked him on the spot like an uncouth laymen reviewing my work.
  • ‘You had a beard,’ she said, ‘dark in parts, still somewhat ragged and uncouth , not at all sophisticated.’
  • ‘His art was called original, free, honest and strong, as well as crude and uncouth ,’ said Conrads.
  • The naiveté is ours if we pretend that Young is simply an uncouth , primitive painter, completely unaware of the history of the medium and some of its major practitioners.
  • You are the rudest, most foul, vulgar, offensive, and uncouth child I've ever seen!
  • Problem was the tourists (an uncouth lot) kept pulling over the ice cream signs outside and the heat made the ice cream melt very quickly.
  • Asked whether the contract was worth £80m, he said: ‘My mum said it would be really uncouth of me to talk about money - but I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams.’
  • Make no mistake, Harris is still sneering at the uncouth accents of his compatriots, except now he calls them consumers instead of hicks and they live in a subdivision instead of a holler.
  • There is a lot of snobbery - it's looked upon as a bit uncouth .
  • He was quite tall - taller than her and Blake, anyway - and had rather uncouth hair, as if it hadn't been cut for some time.
  • The uncouth language of the younger generation was particularly distressing.
  • Max is unsophisticated, uncouth , rough and tough - but his heart is in the right place.
  • Unless he's uncouth and rude, give him a chance.
  • Elijah is smart, outspoken and strangely confident; David is uncouth , shy and subdued.
  • Irregular and uncouth in form, rough in texture, and often repulsive in content, it summed up the distinctive traits of grotesque ugliness, standing as a debased counterpoint to exalted, flawless classical perfection.
  • But, like many other prosperous geezers, they would prefer to hit the links and avoid uncouth places where nobody has heard of Metamucil.
  • This was disgraceful, uncouth behaviour on your part.
Günün İngilizce Kelimesi


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İngilizce Sorular

In _________, "sh" is in final position.

Günün İngilizce Deyimi

a large hole in the side of a cliff or mountain, or under the ground

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