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  • The latter method ensures that your hands will be covered by sticky ooze guaranteed to attract clouds of annoying flies.
  • The symptoms of eczema can include red, itchy skin, rash, blisters or bumps that itch and ooze , or scaly, brownish, thick skin.
  • I picked a fruit and watched the ooze of fig milk from the stem
  • His exceptional talent at putting acrylics and oils together on board and letting them ooze is a lesson on how to do this kind of thing and all those kids in ARI-land should get down to the Wynne and check it out.
  • As the diatoms die, they sink to the ocean floor, becoming a thick ooze of decomposing matter, and eventually giving rise to deposits of the sediment called diatomaceous earth.
  • In the mid-1960s, scientists dredging up ooze from the bottom of the Mediterranean began to notice a thick layer of ash that they linked to Thera's eruption.
  • Demons and other night-fevers flowed like a repellant ooze to infest the night.
  • Everything died and sank into the ooze at the bottom.
  • Rotting ooze can quickly contaminate bags, store walls, boxes, machinery and other equipment and has proven very difficult to eliminate.
  • Consequently, Chalk should not be perceived as merely a thick pelagic ooze deposited in a tectonically quiescent period.
  • To her great displeasure something had leaked in her backpack, a dark blue ooze had slimed a course all throughout the entire bag.
  • Nevertheless, it is via this slow accumulation of calcareous ooze on the deep ocean floor that geologists believe chalk beds originally formed.
  • When the drill strikes water, there is a river of thick yellow ooze that will trap an unwary two-wheeler or a small car, in no time.
  • The fossil-bearing chalk deposits were laid down as ocean-floor ooze hundreds of kilometers from the waterways shores.
  • But the banks continue to be muddy primeval ooze .
  • Their strange and steamy spectacle recalls the primordial ooze from where we all came.
  • The monster stumbled back as purple ooze started to spill out of its metallic form.
  • Then it gave out a horrible, inhuman wail and melted back into black ooze .
  • They ooze charm and charisma, with more sizzle than a steak…
  • These encourage pores in the skin to ooze large amounts of sebum, the greasy goop that acne-promoting bacteria love.
  • It's black ooze spilled over her hand and it's body fell to the floor.
  • It's like watching life emerge from the primordial ooze .
  • The eyes bulge, the lips distort and foul-smelling gases ooze from every orifice.
  • There it was, immense and gray and hulking, a 200-foot wall of boulders and gravel and muddy ooze .
  • Bleeding was defined as any ooze , leaking, or frank blood drainage from the puncture site.
  • abandoned barges sunk in ooze
  • However, in the case of their diamond sparkle lip gloss, which has little sparkly bits suspended in the viscous ooze , this is particularly appalling.
  • He saw nothing, at first, more of the same pools of ooze .
  • Was the idea of religion existent in the primordial ooze that some believe created life?
  • The monster that had once been our friend transformed himself into a huge scaly beast, covered in dripping ooze .
  • Gnaw's lard component proved far less stable than the chocolate one, displaying a tendency to ooze , crack and eventually collapse.
  • Initial deposition above the Base-Chalk reflection is interpreted as formed by pelagic settling of chalk ooze under quiet, low-energy conditions.
  • He was covered in a gel-like red ooze and was wiping it from his face.
  • Evolution crawls out of the primordial ooze from whence it sprang onto your DVD player.
  • In other areas, known as seeps, fluids and gases ooze up through the mud.
  • Currently, there is a toy on the market that consists of a green gelatinous ooze ; it is called, simply, Slime.
  • The slime - a thick, mucus-like substance that smelled positively dreadful - was dribbling down the steps in a slow and steady ooze .
  • We learned that razorbacks live on the bottom of the river where they eat zooplankton, bugs, and river bottom ooze off the rocks and mud.
  • He was about to answer when the nurse turned into a puddle of ooze and sank into the floorboards.
  • Here, fishermen use gates to direct this smelly ooze into tiny ponds they own.
  • Surgeons identified the source of bleeding as venous ooze from the edge of her vagina and secured haemostasis.
Günün İngilizce Kelimesi


: çok

İngilizce Sorular

…...................... restaurant do you want to go to?

Günün İngilizce Deyimi

Not having or showing good manners, rude.

iyi tavır ve hareketlere sahip olmama ya da göstermeme, kaba

İngilizce öğrenmek için kursa gitmek şart değil!

Hemen tıkla, ücretsiz dene!