Konuşarak Öğren'i Ücretsiz Deneyin
Yoksa siz hala; oyunlar veya oyuncakların sadece oynamak için olduğunu mu sanıyorsunuz! Oyuncaklar sadece çocukları eğlendirmek ya da oyalamak için tasarlanmıyorlar. Aslında bir oyuncak; farkında olmasa dahi bir çocuğun kişiliğini şekillendirmesine, el-göz koordinasyonunu geliştirmesine, hayal gücünü büyütmesine yardımcı olur. Sadece çocukların mı? Bugün onlarca firma “büyüklere oyuncak” başlığı altında yapı oyuncakları gibi oyuncaklar tasarlıyor.
Çocuklar Neden Oynamalılar?
İleriki yaşamlarında, entelektüel olarak gelişmek ve topluma iyi entegre olabilmek için küçük çocukların oynaması gerekir. Oyun bir çocuğun tek dünyasıdır. Tek sorun, ebeveynler için her bir faaliyet için yeterli zaman ayırabilmektir.
Fakat ne yazık ki oyunların çocukların dünyasında ne denli kıymetli olduğu pek çokları tarafından bilinmiyor. Hatta öyle ki; İngilizce bir atasözü şöyle der; Jack sürekli çalışır ve hiç oyun oynamazsa; sıkıcı bir çocuk olur. Fakat sürekli oyun oynar ve hiç çalışmazsa aptal bir çocuk olur.
Yani aslında söylenmek istenen açık; çok fazla çalışan ve oyuna vakit ayırmayan bir çocuk, hayatı boyunca donuk, sıkıcı ve mutsuz bir çocuk olur. Oysa sürekli oyun oynar ve hiç çalışmazsa da aptal bir çocuk olur. Bu eski atasözünün ne kadar yanlış olduğu ise gün gibi ortada.
Ebeveynler, çocuklarının yaşamlarında denge ve uyum sağlamak için yeterli bilgi vermeli, ancak boş zaman ve oyun anları da yaratmalıdır. Biz de bu yüzden sizinle İngilizce oyuncak isimlerini paylaşıyor olacağız. Her biri için örnek cümleyi de kelimelerin altında bulabilirsiniz.
İngilizce Çeviri:
Do you think games or toys are just for playing? Toys aren’t just designed to entertain or keep kids entertained. Actually toys; help a child to shape his personality, develop hand-eye coordination and grow his imagination even if he is not aware of it. Is it just children? Today, dozens of companies are designing toys such as building toys under the title “toys for adults”.
Why Do Kids Need to Play?
In their future lives, young children need to play in order to develop intellectually and to be well integrated into society. The game is a child’s only world. The only problem is to allow enough time for each activity for the parents.
Unfortunately, how many games are valuable in the world of children is unknown to many. Even so; An English proverb says: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… All play and no work makes Jack a silly boy!
So what it means is obvious; A child who works a lot and does not take time to play becomes a dull, boring and unhappy child throughout his life. Whereas, he plays games constantly and becomes a stupid child if he never works. How wrong this old proverb is!
Parents should provide enough information to balance and adapt to their children’s lives, but also create spare time and play moments. That’s why we’ll be sharing English toy names with you. You can also find a sample sentence under each word.
- Action figure: Figür oyuncağı
Örnek cümle: I bought an action figüre for my son; a figure of Hulk. - Airplane: Uçak
Örnek cümle: The kid’s favourite toys were airplanes. - Alphabet blocks: Alfabe blokları
Örnek cümle: Specialists recommend that alphabet blocks are good for kids in early childhood. - Balloon: Balon
Örnek cümle: Teacher played a balloon race with kids in the school garden. - Ball: Top
Örnek cümle: They played with the ball in the westside of the town. - Bell: Çan, zil
Örnek cümle: Her favourite song was “Bells” in the Notre Damme de Paris. - Blocks: Lego benzeri blok oyuncaklar
Örnek cümle: Blocks are good for brain development of children. - Boat: Gemi
Örnek cümle: The father bought a toy boat to his son which was the son’s favourite. - Books: Kitaplar
Örnek cümle: Reading book is a kind of activity that develop each skills of the kids. - Bubbles: Baloncuklar
Örnek cümle: Playin with bubbles calm down the kid. - Building sets: Yapı setleri
Örnek cümle: Children were playing with building sets. - Cards: Kartlar
Örnek cümle: Cards are not suitable game materials for very young children. - Cars: Arabalar
Örnek cümle: His favourite movie is “Cars” and favourite character is “MacQueen”. - Carts: At arabaları
Örnek cümle: In old days, so many children used to play with carts. - Clay: Hamurlar
Örnek cümle: If London Bridge falls down, we can build it up with wood and clay. - Colored pencils: Renkli kalemler
Örnek cümle: My kids love to paint with colored pencils. - Crayons: Pastel boyalar
Örnek cümle: Crayons are good for children to play but mothers does not prefer them because crayons may cause a mess in the house.. - Dolls: Oyuncak bebekler
Örnek cümle: Dolls are favourite material of horror movie directors. - Drums: Davullar
Örnek cümle: Kids were playing with drums but the neighbbours were not vey happy about it. - Electronics: Elektrikli oyuncaklar
Örnek cümle: Electronic toys are not suitable for children. - Gliders: Kayıklar
Örnek cümle: Gliders can be played in winter, especially. - Guns: Oyuncak tabancalar
Örnek cümle: So many parents do not prefer to buy guns as a toy for their kids. - Jacks: Oyuncak paralar
Örnek cümle: Some children play with jacks in some games such as monopoly. - Kites: Uçurtmalar
Örnek cümle: Especially in summer, with the help of wind, children play with kites. - Knights: Şövalyeler
Örnek cümle: Playing with knights can be joyful for kids who are interested in history. - Locomotives: Lokomotifler
Örnek cümle: Locomotives are toys that children can have fun when playing. - Magnets: Mıknatıslar
Örnek cümle: Magnets are dangerous for young children. - Marbles: Misketler
Örnek cümle: There is an age limit to play with marbles because of their small shapes. - Musical instruments: Oyuncak enstrümanlar
Örnek cümle: My brother’s favourite toys are musical instruments; specifically violin. - Pails: Oyuncak plaj kovaları
Örnek cümle: Children got their pails with them while they were going to the beach. - Phones: Telefonlar
Örnek cümle: - Plastic footballs: Plastik futbol topları
Örnek cümle: Plastic footballs can make children familiar with sports. - Plush animals: Peluş hayvanlar
Örnek cümle: Plush animals are most babies’ favourites. - Pogo sticks: Zıp zıp
Örnek cümle: Children like movement and pogo sticks are very suitable for this aim. - Puppets: Kuklalar
Örnek cümle: Puppets can be done at home by parents for kids. - Puzzles: Yap-boz
Örnek cümle: Puzzles are suitable both for kids and also adults. - Radio controlled toys: Uzaktan kumandalı oyuncaklar
Örnek cümle: Some children can be surprised by the engine of some radio-controlled toys. - Rattles: Çıngıraklar
Örnek cümle: Little babies like to play with rattles. - Rockets: Uzay roketleri
Örnek cümle: Rockets can seem very fascinating for the kids who are interested in space. - Rocking horse: Sallanan at
Örnek cümle: Rocking horse was one of the most enjoyable toys for me when I was a child. - Shovels: Oyuncak kepçeler
Örnek cümle: Some kids are interested in building stuff and shovels are very good for them. - Skates: Kaykaylar
Örnek cümle: Parents should be careful while their kids are playing with skates. It can be dangerous sometimes. - Soldiers: Oyuncak askerler
Örnek cümle: There are many different kinds of soldier toys such as space soldier or war soldier. - Spoons: Oyuncak kürekler
Örnek cümle: My little one loves to play with his spoons at the seaside. - Stilts: Denge oyuncakları
Örnek cümle: Children may have some troubles with keeping their body in balance while running so, stilts can be very efficient for them. - Stuffed animals: Dolgu oyuncak hayvanlar
Örnek cümle: Some families like to buy a lot of stuffed animals for their children. - Teddy bears: Oyuncak ayılar
Örnek cümle: Teddy bears are a lot of kid’s favourite when they were younger. - Toboggans: Kar kızakları
Örnek cümle: I used to play with toboggan with my friends when I was a child in winter. - Tops: Oyun çadırları
Örnek cümle: Tops are good to improve a child’s imagination. - Toy cars: Oyuncak arabalar
Örnek cümle: Toy cars became more famous after the movie “Cars”. - Trains: Trenler
Örnek cümle: Trains are suitable for any kid. - Tricycles: Üç tekerli bisikletler
Örnek cümle: Children can start to learn how to ride a bike with tricycles. - Trucks: Kamyonetler
Örnek cümle: Trucks are loved by little kids. - Vehicles: Araçlar
Örnek cümle: Many children can have a collection of any kind of vehicles. - Video games: Video oyunları
Örnek cümle: Video games can be played by children, but their parents should keep an eye on them. Becuae these games also can be dangerous for them. - Wagons: Vagonlar
Örnek cümle: Kids can play with wagons and it is good for them. Because wagons are also suitable for playing with multiple children and they help kids to be socialized. - Watches: Saatler
Örnek cümle: Children love to wear watches because they want to imitate adults. - Xylophones: Ksilofonlar
Örnek cümle: Xylophones are good to improve children’s development of music awareness. - Yo-yo: Yoyo
Örnek cümle: Many kids like to play with yo-yos.
1. ‘Lucy, have you finished your letter to Santa? Do you wish him to bring you a new toy car with its clothes, or model characters to create a true-to-life elementary school?’
2. I’ve asked Santa to bring you a board game, Mom. You know, one of these games where you have to know a lot about literature or the cinema.
3. and I thought it was a good idea to ask Santa to bring Tom a model car about the planets. He’ll like that!
4. I’d also like to learn the tactics of chess. I don’t know how to win against Dad… I can plan moves for my knights, but I can’t manage my rooks.’
5. ‘Oh! I thought you wanted a carry-on to practise your tennis with the Wii U.’
6. ‘I think we should order one of these executive games for Dad. A chess would be a good idea…’
7. You don’t want to ask for anything for yourself, Lucy? I suggest a fashion doll… dressed as a Parisian woman!’
8. Well, in fact, Mom, I’d like a blue lorry to race with Tom in the Park… with a bell attached on it, and a couple of tops… I like watching them spinning.
9. I wouldn’t mind a bag of dolls too… Do you think Santa will bring all this for all of us, Mom? ‘
Online İngilizce Konuşma Kursu: Konuşarak Öğren